Friday 31 August 2012

Flower of life part 2 nature and structures

Intended to do this tomorrow, but i'm in carlisle, and there's fuck all else to do, so:

My last post finished off talking about the platonic solids and the historical shapes found in the simple flower of life, and the expanded version.

Now i am going to move on to look at the ratios and mathematical constants that can be found within the flower of life, which was first re discovered (wasn't mentioned in my last post, but the Mayans, the Egyptians and many other ancient civilizations knew about the flower of life and its potential, but that's another topic (watch the video on my last post if you're interested in the true history of this symbolic pattern)

In the late 12th, early 13th lived Leonardo Fibonacci, whom was an Italian mathematician, he introduced the "Hindu-Arabic number system" (which we now call the "decimal system") he was well known for many texts that he either published himself, or contributed to, but as far as the flower of life goes, the most important subject Fibonacci contributed to the world was his "Fibonacci sequence" which is actually a very simple sequence where you add the previous two numbers in the list together to form the next (1,2,3,5,8,13 (there's 13 again), 21, 34, 55 ... etc.. however, if you divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the number previous to it (such as 55/34) the answer is close to 1.61803, this is known as the golden ratio (or the Phi ratio), and the further away you go from the origin, the nearer you get to this magic number,  1/1 = 1, 2/1 = 2 , 3/2 = 1.5, 5/3 = 1.666, 8/5 = 1.6, 13/8 = 1.625 , 21/13 = 1.6154 etc. no matter how long you continue this sequence, however, you will never quite reach phi, always oscillating from above, to below phi. 

One of the most significant activities that combines the sacred geometry and the Fibonacci sequence is the production of the "golden mean spiral"
The Golden mean was used to aid the design of sacred buildings in ancient  architecture so PRODUCE spiritual energy that aided connectivity with the spiritual realms through prayer, the reality we exist in is very structured, and life is even more structured, this is shown throughout nature in the forms of geometry, geometry is the very basics of our reality, these are always present in our world, the golden mean governs the proportionality of  our world and can be found in what seem to be the most proportion-less living forms.
There are uncountable examples of sacred geometry and golden mean geometry in nature and matter (didn't i just say it governs everything? it does, therefore, uncountable) but some of the clearest examples are:

All types of crystals, both naturally formed and grown by man.
The hexagonal geometry of snowflakes
creatures with logarithmic spiral patterns (snail shells, and various shellfish)
Birds and flying insects, all display clear golden mean proportions in bodies and wings
The geometric molecular and atomic matters evident in all metals
The way a tree branches out so all its branches receive sunlight.

However, one of the most significant (to life anyway) but less obvious example of the golden ratio is in Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA the foundation and guiding mechanism of ALL living organisms on earth (and, if there is life out there, it stands to reason this ratio applies to alien DNA to, even if the building blocks (amino acids, phosphorus and nucleotide bases) are different, it can be assumed the structure will still be based on this golden ratio.

The understanding of geometry as an underlying part of our existence, however, dates back way beyond the time of Fibonacci, the golden mean and many other forms of geometry can be seen embedded in many of the oldest, most ancient  structures that still exist to this day, the oldest, and most significant, is the Great pyramid of giza, the height of the pyramid is in Phi ratio to its base, the geometry in this particular structure, is more accurate than that found in today's modern buildings.  (another very interesting example is in the parthenon in greece, search "NOVA: secrets of the Parthenon" on youtube to learn more, some of the stuff they find is amazing!)

phi present in the Great pyramid of Giza 

This gives reason to why spiritually significant shapes are pyramids and hemisphere (like that found on a mosque) these particular shapes are energy emitters, they are geometric shapes that produce a type of penetrating energy known as "negative green" ,and act like a radio waves that carry sound information, the vibrationional quality of the golden mean gives these religious buildings very strong communicating properties,  which aid resonance with higher realms in prayer. Religion doesn't seem so full of crap anymore does it?
This golden ratio can be seen everywhere in nature, look at your hand, excluding the thumb, each finger consists of 4 bones, not only does each finger have its own ratio moving up the finger, which is Phi to the next bone, but it oscillates back and forth from the tallest finger to the thumb, again, at this ratio, another coincidence? or more proof of design? This relationship is not just found in your hand either! It is all over your body, moving up the arms and legs, in your face, throughout your entire body!

The greeks understood this ratio in the human design and applied it to their art, they were very precise about this, and you can see when the romans took over greece, the perfection of the statues produced completely disappeared, why? not because the romans weren't good artists, but because they didn't understand the Phi ratio!  you can look up more examples of the Phi ratio in nature (in butterflies is definitely one to look at)

Thats all for now, next time i plan to look at the effects of the golden ratio, Fibonacci and how they relate to music!

Read the flower of life part 1                                                                            Read the flower of life part 3

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